Save up to 40% off tech deals at Chapters Indigo during Boxing Week Sale!
The sale is available in-stores and online on and goes until January 1, 2017 at 3am or while supplies last.
Plus, save an extra 20% off when you pay with Masterpass (online-only)!
Boxing Week Tech Deals + save an EXTRA 20% off when you pay with Masterpass:
- $20 Off Anki Overdrive Starter Kit
- $100 off Ultimate Ears Boom 2 speakers
- $100 off Muse Brain Sensing Headband
- $30 off Fitbit Alta
- $20 off Fitbit Blaze
- 25% off select Kids Tech Toys
- 20% off select Headphones and Speakers
- 30% off select Phone Cases
Chapters Indigo offers free shipping on orders over $25. They allow easy returns to stores.
Click here to shop all of Chapters Indigo online now for more details about this offer.