Vibrant Health Massage – $25 for 30min, $36 for 45min, or $45 for 60-Minute Massage (Save 50% Off)
Today’s Groupon Ottawa Daily Deal of the Day: Vibrant Health Massage – $25 for 30min, $36 for 45min, or $45 for 60-Minute Massage (Save 50% Off)
Buy now for only $25, $37 or $45
Value $50, $75 or $90
Discount 50%
You Save $25, $38, or $45
This is a limited 2-day only sale that will expire at midnight on Monday, August 8, 2011. Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!
Licensed massage therapist
Relaxation & treatment massage services
Promotes overall health
The Fine Print
Expires Feb 9, 2012
Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. New clients only.
Vibrant Health Massage
20 James St., Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 237-4400
Today’s Groupon to Vibrant Health Massage. Choose from the following options:
- For $25, you get one 30-minute massage (a $50 value).
- For $37, you get one 45-minute massage (a $75 value).
- For $45, you get one 60-minute massage (a $90 value).
Vibrant Health Massage’s licensed massage therapist Jennifer Presley relieves tension with professional relaxation and treatment massages. Muscle tissues that are sore from tennis, headstand, or jousting tournaments undergo a thorough kneading that promotes relief from ailments such as migraines and sciatica. After assessing each client’s health history and expectations, clients receive either a relaxation massage or a treatment massage. Relaxation massages attempt to relieve stress by soothing the nervous system, and treatment massages seek to promote the healing of specific conditions like lower back pain, chronic edema, and shoddy parallel parking.
Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!